Product Setup



Product Setup objects consist of common tables which are currently used by some of the SmartSolve© products including SmartAuditTM, SmartCAPATM, SmartComplaintsTM, and SmartDocTM. Before you define these setup configurations, make sure that the core group team leads representing each system agree on how these objects will be configured.

NOTE: Product Setup is very important in order for SmartSolve© to successfully integrate your quality system records across all of the applications you are using.



Third-Party Options

Before setting up products in the system determine if you will be integrating SmartSolve© with one of your third party applications (ERP, MRP, MES, etc.). If the third party applications contain product information, you do not need to configure the Product Line and Part tables in SmartSolve©. Work with your Pilgrim representative to integrate these two systems.


Integration Model Types

The following Integration Model Types may be used to achieve third-party integration:

Integration Type


Data Extraction

One time data load into the SmartSolve© application from an External Data Source.  Please see External Data Sources.



Ongoing data synchronization between the source and the SmartSolve© System in real time.  Please see your Pilgrim representative to discuss SmartSolve© Synchronization Agent options.



End user can access read only data located in the source system from a SmartSolve© zoom field.  Please see External Data Sources.


Multi Event Triggers

This type of transaction requires synchronization of multiple business objects within the SmartSolve© application (for example, creating a complaint in SmartComplaintsTM along with part synchronization).

This option requires Pilgrim customization.



Product Functions

Product could be referenced in any of the following SmartSolve© solutions:


SmartSolve Solution

Client Function


The Product Line could function as the Product Line which is being audited.



The Product Line could function as the following:

    • Product Line which is involved with the quality exception

    • Product Line which is associated with a Failure or Defect



The Product Line could function as the following:

    • Product Line which is involved with the complaint

    • Product Line which is associated with a Failure or Defect



The Product Line could function as the following:

    • Product Line which is associated with a Document

    • Product Line which is associated with a change record



Product Line is not used with SmartTrainTM



Product Setup Diagram


Not all product related objects need to be used in the SmartSolve© system. Use the diagram below to familiarize yourself with the positioning of Product related tables in regards to how the end user uses each application. It is very important that all SmartSolve©. application user groups (i.e., Complaints Team) agree on how these objects will be configured to ensure good quality data and reporting.


Example Diagram with User Data

The diagram below shows the Product diagram with example configuration data. This allows you to better see the hierarchy and understand how the objects work together to produce quality records for your input and output across the SmartSolve© suite.