Issue Setup


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Shared with other SmartSolve© Applications

Required for SmartComplaintsTM

Results of Investigation Task





Results of Investigation Task

An important phase in the Investigation process is to verify that the investigators response to the complaint investigation is summarized and formatted for external viewing (i.e., Customer Response and Regulatory Response). The information entered in the sign-off comment for the Results of Investigation Task will automatically transfer back to any attached complaint exception records Detail and will auto populate to the following:

The Results of Investigation Task Type comes as a default with the SmartComplaintsTM system and is located under the general task type library; however, any task type could be used for capturing investigation results (for example, create a Results of Investigation under the Investigation Task Type if you wish to require Root Cause and/or Approval be performed).

NOTE: if you are going to use another task type for Results of Investigation, make sure you rename the default Results of Investigation Task located in the global organization as the system will only recognize this task if the Task Name is equal to “Results of Investigation.”  If you wish to name Results of Investigation to something else you can do so by changing the naming convention in the XML file.


Please see Task Setup under SmartCAPATM Setup Guide for information on how to setup the Results of Investigation Task and Issues for SmartComplaintsTM.