Review Setup

Please select the object link below for more information on how to configure the object.


Shared with other SmartSolve© Applications

Required for SmartCAPATM







Review Escalation






Review Types



Review Models



Always Restart Issue Review



AutoStart Issue Review



Show all Issue Reviews in User Mode






Please see Groups under System Wide Setup.




Please see Checklist under System Wide Setup.



Review Escalation

Review Escalation defines the action that must occur in the system to ensure that the review process does not stop. If a reviewer does not respond to the review in the allowed time, an additional action may be enforced.

If the Escalation Policy is attached to the Review Group, the policy will be enforced on every level identified with the Review Group (for example, if review group has three levels of reviewers, the escalation could apply the same for all three levels).

Also, each level of reviewers listed in the Review Group can have a unique escalation policy attached. The system first looks for the level specific escalation policy and, if not found, will apply the Escalation Policy attached to the Review Group.


User Rights

The following right must be assigned to a user to manage and view Review Escalations:




Allows administrator to add new Review Escalation, modify existing Escalation, or delete Escalation.



Allows user to access Review Escalation to View.



Please see Rights Group to assign Rights Groups to users


Global vs. Local

·    Global Review Escalation will be inherited by all local organizations. 

·    Local Review Escalation will only be viewed and used within that local organization.


Escalation Steps

The following Escalation Steps can be applied to issue review.

Additional Action


Escalate to Alternate

The Review is re-assigned to the alternate actor (from Actor Role)

Escalate to Manager

The Review is re-assigned to the actor's manager


This step indicates that no additional action will be taken except for notification only

Escalate to Owner

The Review is re-assigned to the record owner.


The Review is no longer needed by this actor and moves to the next level.


The Review routing has stopped and the record has been sent back to the owner.

Escalate to Org Unit Head

The Review is re-assigned to the actor's org unit head.


Example Issue Review Escalation Business Scenario

The following Reviewers are included in the Routing sheet for Final Issue Review:

·     Level 1            QA Coordinator

·     Level 2            QA Coordinator

·     Level 2            QA Manager


Step 1 – No escalation will be used for Level two; however, the Level one QA Coordinators will have three business days to approve the issue from the date the issue has been routed to this Level. If three business days have passed, the system needs to skip these reviewers all together and route to the next Level (QA Manager).

The following steps will be applied to the Escalation Policy:


Additional Action

Allowed Time



3 Business Days


How to Create Review Escalation

Review Escalation is an optional feature in the system and is attached to Groups (if Groups are used for Issue Reviews).

     1.     From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Policy. Under Issue Review select Escalation.

     2.   Right click and select Add.

     3.   Enter the Code and name of your Escalation Policy.

     4.   Click the Save button.

     5.   Select the Step folder.

     6.   Right click and select Add.

     7.   Enter a number in the Step field and select the Additional Action which will occur in this step.

     8.   Enter the allowed time when the escalation will trigger if minimum requirements are not met within the review.

     9.   Click the Save button.

    10.  Add more steps if needed.


Additional Step Actions

Additional Actions can be attached to each step configured within the Escalation Policy. For example, if a reviewer is skipped the system can be setup to also notify the record owner so that they know the Escalation Policy has taken affect.

The following Additional Actions can be applied to each Escalation Step:

Additional Action


Add Alternate

The Review is re-assigned to the alternate actor (from Actor Role).

Add Manager

The Review is re-assigned to the actor's manager.

Add Org Unit Head

The Review is re-assigned to the actor's org unit head.

Notify Alternate

The Actor’s alternate is notified of the escalation step taken.

Notify Manager

The Actor’s manager is notified of the escalation step taken.

Notify Owner

The Criteria owner is notified of the escalation step taken.

Notify Org Unit Head

The org unit head of the actor’s department is notified of the escalation step taken.


How to Add Additional Review Step Actions

     1.     From the Escalation Policy detail select the Additional Actions folder.

     2.     Right click and select Add.

     3.     Select the Additional Action option to occur in this Step.

     4.     Click the Save button.

     5.     Add additional steps as needed.


Managing Review Escalation

The following options are available within Review Escalation and can be managed accordingly by an administrator.


How to Edit Review Escalation

     1.   From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Policy. Under Issue Review select Escalation.

          The Review Escalation list displays.

     2.   Click the icon to switch to local view (if applicable).

     3.   Select the check box of the Escalation to edit, then select Action > Edit from the main menu (or right click).

     4.   Edit any information for your Escalation.

     5.   Click the Save button.

           All changes should now be reflected in the list.


How to Delete Review Escalation

Review Escalation can only be deleted from SmartSolve© if the escalation has not been attached to any Review Groups.

     1.    From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Policy. Under Issue Review select Escalation.

            The Review Escalation list displays.

     2.    Click the  icon to switch to local view (if applicable).

     3.    Select the check box of the Escalation to delete, then select Action > Delete from the main menu (or right click).

     4.    Click the Save button.

            The object has now been removed from the system.


How to Attach Review Escalation to Groups

     1.    From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Setup. Under System Wide select Group.

            The Review Escalation list displays.

     2.    Click the  icon to switch to local view (if applicable).

     3.    Select the check box of the Group to attach the Escalation to, then select Action > Edit from the mein menu (or right click).

     4.    From the Escalation drop down menu select the Escalation Policy to be used within this Group.

     5.    Click the Save button.

            The Escalation Policy has now been attached to the Group.


How to Attach Review Escalation to Group Levels

     1.    From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Setup. Under System Wide select Group.

              The Groups list displays.

     2.    Click the  icon to switch to local view (if applicable).

     3.    Access the Group Role tab by clicking over the  icon of the group.

     4.    Select the Role link.

            The Roles display.

     5.    Access the Level Detail tab by clicking over the  icon for the role.

     6.    Select Level Detail.

            Detail for that level displays.

     7.    Select Action | Edit from the main menu (or right click).

     8.     From the escalation drop down menu select the Escalation Policy to be used in this level.

     9.    Click the Save button.

            The Escalation Policy has now been attached to the Group.



Please see Rules under System Wide Setup.


Review Types

SmartCAPATM allows you to create as many Review Types as you need for your issue workflows. However, it is typical for an issue record to have one review attached which is used to verify that the issue record can be closed.

You MUST have at least one review attached to your issue in order to allow the issue status to change from INWORKS to CLOSED. Also, you can only have one active review at a time within an issue workflow. However, within that review you can have different levels of reviewers.

Some example Issue Review Types could include:

Review Types


One-time Reviews

Review which is performed one time prior to the issue being closed in the system.


Periodic Reviews

Reviews that may need to be scheduled out in advanced and performed while the issue workflow is being implemented. An example of this type of review may be a 1 Month Periodic Review which will notify the issue owner to review the issue workflow and take further action if issue workflows are not being completed in a timely manner.



Review Matrix

This Matrix illustrates the setup tables involved with Issue Review. You may not setup all of these tables for your issue workflows.



Default Review Types

One default Criteria Review Type, called Default Issue Review, is already entered in the Issue Review Type master file upon installation. This Issue Review Type is provided as an optional Issue Review Type for use in the organization's Review Models. The default issue Review Type:


NOTE: Most Pilgrim customers create their own Review Types or edit the name of the default under the global organization (i.e., Release Review).


Example Issue Closure Review type as Viewed in the Issue Tree


User Rights

The following rights must be assigned to a user to manage or view Issue Review Type.




Allows administrator to add new Issue Review Types, modify existing Review Type, or delete Review Type.



Allows user to access Issue Review Type to view and select.



Please see Rights Group to assign Rights Groups to users


Global vs. Local


How to Create a Review Type

     1.    From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Policy. Under Issue Review select Review Type.

            The Types window displays.

     2.    Enter information in the following fields:

Field Name



The name of the review (will later show up under the issue record).


Review Purpose

Statement that will be stamped for each approver signing off on the review.


Review Group

If more than one approver must approve the issue set up a Review Group.

Some common scenarios:

Only the issue owner needs to approve (do not add Review Group and issue owner will automatically show up as Issue Reviewer) – most common scenario.

Approval Groups may be specific to business units/operations who own issues within the type. If this is the case then Review Groups are setup at the Issue Review Model Policy rather than here under the Review Type.


Analysis Code


The purpose of the Analysis Code field is to enter a specific code representing the record to which it belongs. The record being created will be synonymous with the analysis code when a report is run.

This field is typically not used by Pilgrim customers and can be hidden using the Forms Configurator.



Add quality checks to this review to ensure that the review is not closed until all checks have been addressed.

This field is typically not used by Pilgrim customers and can be hidden using the Forms Configurator.


Auto Close

If checked, the review automatically closes once the last approval rule is met (Approver Approves). If not checked, the issue owner is notified once the last approval is complete. The issue owner must manually close the review in the issue to change the status (this field is typically checked to eliminate extra clicking).


Applicable Status

The status that will activate the review in the Issue (i.e., INWORKS). 

Always set the INWORKS status if this is the first review performed in the issue workflow. 



NOTE: Failure to configure Applicable Status correctly will impact how the issue workflow performs.


To Status

The status the issue will change to once the review is closed (i.e., CLOSED). 

Always set the CLOSED status if this is the only review performed in the issue workflow. 



NOTE: Failure to configure To Status correctly will impact how the issue workflow performs.


Phase on Start

The phase the issue will change to once the review is routed (i.e., UNDER FINAL REVIEW).  


Phase on Close

The phase the issue will change to once the review is closed (i.e., FINAL REVIEW COMPLETE).


     3.   Click the Save button.

           The Review Type is displayed in the system.

           Please see Groups to setup and assign Review Groups to Issue Review Types.

           Please see Checklists to setup and assign Checklists to Issue Review Types.

           Please see Issue Status to setup Issue Statuses. 

           Please see Issue Phase to setup Issue Phases.


Managing Issue Review Types

The following options are available within issue Review Type and can be managed accordingly by an administrator.


How to Edit Issue Review Type

     1.    From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Policy. Under Issue Review select Review Type.

            The Types window displays.

     2.    Click the  icon to switch to local view (if applicable).

     3.    Select the check box of the Issue Review Type to edit, then select Action > Edit from the main menu (or right click).

     4.    Edit any information for your Issue Review Type.

     5.    Click the Save button.

            All changes should now be reflected in the list.


How to Delete Issue Review Type

Issue Review Types can only be deleted from SmartSolve© if the Issue Review Type has not been attached to any Issue Review Models.

     1.    From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Policy. Under Issue Review select Review Type.

            The Types window displays.

     2.    Click the  icon to switch to local view (if applicable).

     3.    Select the check box of the Issue Review Type to delete, then select Action > Delete from the main menu (or right click).

     4.    Click the Save button.

            The object has now been removed from the system.


How to Attach Issue Review Types to Review Models

Please see How to Create a Review Model.


How to Attach Issue Review Types to Issue Workflows

Please see How to Create a Review Model.



Review Models

Review Models are provided in order to define all of the Review Schedules that are necessary to define an issue workflow. Any amount of reviewers can be added to your Review Models. however, most customers only use one. Review Models configure the following requirements:


Example Issue Review Model



User Rights

The following rights must be assigned to a user to manage or view Issue Review Model:




Allows administrator to add new Issue Review Models, modify existing Models, or delete Models.



Allows user to access the Issue Review Model to view and select.



Please see Rights Group to assign Rights Groups to users


Global vs. Local


How to Create a Review Model

     1.    From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Policy. Under Issue Review select Review Model.

     2.    Right click and select Add.

     3.    Enter information in the following fields:

Field Name



Enter the code for the Review Model.



Enter a name for the Review Model.


Document Status

Select a Document Status from the drop down list. (First status the Issue is in when first created).



Select a Phase from the drop down list. (First phase the Issue is in when first created).


Add Another

Click the box to add another review model.


4.    Click the Save button.

             The Review Models display.

5.    From the newly created Review Model, click the Schedule link.

The Schedule displays.

6.   Delete the Default Issue Review Type by checking the Review Type, right clicking and selecting Delete.

No Review Type should be listed in the Schedule.

7.   Right click and select Attach to attach the Review Type you wish to first apply to the model.

8.   Enter information in the following fields:

Field Name


Review Type Name

Zoom to select a review type name.


Review Option

Select a review option.



Enter the interval when the review will be scheduled. (If this is one time that will be routed after workflow is complete leave blank).


Advance Notice

Enter an Advance Notice interval. The system will notify the issue owner that the review is upcoming based upon what is entered in this field.



Select a phase from the drop down list.


Add Another

Click the box to add another review model schedule.


9.   Click the Save button.


Managing Issue Review Models

The following options are available within Issue Review Model and can be managed accordingly by an administrator:


How to Edit an Issue Review Model

     1.     From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Policy. Under Issue Review select Review Model.

             The Review Models list displays.

     2.     Click the  icon to switch to Local view (if applicable).

     3.     Select the check box of the Issue Review Model to edit, then select Action > Edit from the main menu (or right click).

     4.     Edit any information for your Issue Review Model.

     5.     Click the Save button.

             All changes should now be reflected in the list.


How to Delete an Issue Review Model

Issue Review Models can only be deleted from SmartSolve© if the Review Model has not been attached to any Issue Policies.

     1.     From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Policy. Under Issue Review select Review Model.

            The review Models list displays.

2.    Click the  icon to switch to Local view (if applicable).

3.    Select the check box of the Issue Review Model to delete, then select Action > Delete from the main menu (or right click).

4.    Click the Save button.

 The object has now been removed from the system.


How to Attach an Issue Review Model to an Issue Policy

Issue Review Models should be attached to Issue Policies if the Review Model will be used to enforce the issue workflow.

     1.     From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Policy. Under Exception/Issue Related select Issue Policy.

             The Issue Policies list displays.

     2.     Click the  icon to switch to Local view (if applicable).

     3.     Select the check box of the Issue Policy to attach the Task Model to.

     4.     Select Action > Edit from the main menu (or right click).

     5.     From the Review Model drop down menu select the Task Model to be attached to the Issue Policy

     6.     Click the Save button.

             The Review Model has now been attached to the Issue Policy


Always Restart Issue Review

Please see Always Restart Issue Review under the Application Options Utility.



AutoStartIssue Review

Please see AutoStart Issue Review under the Application Options Utility.



Show All Issue Reviews in User Mode

Please see Show All Issue Reviews in User Mode under the Application Options Utility.