Document Requirement Setup

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Required for SmartTrainTM

Document Type – Certification Information



Document – Certification Information











Document Type – Certification Information

Do you need to track document training using the SmartDocTM system with SmartTrainTM? There may be certain company policies or procedures which employees are required to read and understand. The Certification Information folder is available in Document Types and within every document record in order for customers to track employee training and sign-off on such documentation.

Document Training Requirements are setup under the Certification Information folder by role. Any users who have been assigned a role that has been added to the Certification Information folder must now read the document and sign-off on it in the system as it may have been made a training requirement.




Certification Information – Doc Type

Any roles setup under Certification Information folder at Document Type level will transfer to every document record which is created and maintained under this type. If the document owner wishes to remove the role at the document level they can do so with appropriate rights.


Certification Information - Document

If roles are not assigned at the Document Type under Certification Information, the document owner can assign roles needing training under the individual document record. Any user with this role will be notified once the document has been released and will be required to sign-off that they have read and understood the document.



A requirement is a document that one must read and understand. It usually contains information necessary for an individual to fulfill their job function. Most of these documents would relate to Standard Operating Procedures, Policies, or Work Instructions. Decisions need to be made such as:


User Rights

The following rights could be assigned to a user to manage or view Document Requirements:




Allows user to view Documents that have a Status of INWORKS.


Allows user to View Documents that have a Status of PRERELEASED, CURRENT, and PREEXPIRED.


Allows user to View Documents that have a Status of PRERELEASED, CURRENT, and PREEXPIRED FROM THE Document Repository.


Allows user to Add, delete, and modify document training requirements records.


Allows user to view document training requirements records.


Allows user to view and select Roles.


Please see Rights Groups to assign Rights Groups to users.


Global vs. Local

·         Global Document Type Certification Information will be inherited by all local organizations. 

·         Local Document Type Certification Information will only be viewed and used within that local organization.


How to Attach Certification Information to Document Type

1.     From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin >Policy. Select Document Type under Document.

2.     Enter the Document Type.

3.     From the Document Type select the Certification Information folder.

4.     Click on the Edit Certification Information button.

5.     Enter the appropriate information:



Must Have

If the requirement is a must have for the roles it is associated with. The setting can be changed for the requirement at the role level.


Complete within Duration Days

The number of days allowed for completion of the requirement. If not specified, the completion date is the day the requirement is associated with the Actor record.


Need Training

If enabled: the document must be attached to a Course for Classroom Training.


Need Assessment

If enabled, an assessment is required.


Refresher Certification Required

If enabled, refresher certification is required. The number of days the user has to take the refresher certification. The refresher interval triggers the refresher. If the refresher is required, the system will calculate the next refresher date and advance time notice.


Refresher Advance Notice Days

When the individual is notified of the refresher requirement; the Requirement progress is also updated with the refresher steps needed to be completed to remain certified in the requirement.


Requires Training if Previously Trained

Whether individuals must retake the training even if they have taken it in the past.   The following three elements of training are evaluated: Training, Assessment, and Checklist.

Always - Must always retake, no matter when it was taken in the past.

Never - Do not have to retake, no matter when it was taken in the past.

Elapsed Time - Must retake if past the number of days specified in Elapsed Days have occurred.


Need Trainer Sign-off

If trainer sign off is required in order for the requirement to be fulfilled.


Revision Certification Required?

If enabled, revision certification is required anytime document is Revised.


Refresher Interval Days

Refresher certification is required, in the days specified, when the document is Revised.


Grace Days for Refresher

The number of days after the refresher interval occurs that an individual must be re-certified. If the refresher is not completed within that time frame, certification is expired.


6.     Right click and select Add.

7.     Zoom from the Role field and select all the Roles which would require certification on any Documents of this Type (if applicable).

8.     Click the Save button.



Document - Certification Information


How to Attach Certification Information to Documents

Please see How to Edit Certification Information in a Document under the SmartTrainTM End User Guide.



Please see Assessments under Course Requirement Setup.



Please see Checklists under Course Requirement Setup.


How to Attach Document Training Checklists

Please see How to Attach Document Training Checklists under the SmartTrainTM End User Guide for more information.