


The Rights table is located under the User Management Console. All SmartSolve© system Rights are hard coded and cannot be edited, or deleted. Rights are assigned to Users by attaching them first to Rights Groups. The table below describes the Rights associated with the SmartSolve© system and how rights function. 


Types of Rights

Rights are classified in the following ways:

Right Type



User can View only records of which Security Access is assigned.




User can Create the record (must be given Manage Rights to be able to do anything else once the record is Saved).


Manage | Edit

Functions can only be performed within the record in which said User Owns:

  • Can Edit, Change Owner (but not Role), and Close records;

  • Can Approve records only that the User is assigned to;

  • Can edit Approval Routing Sheet (if not fixed) & Route records for Approval.



Must also be assigned with the Manage Right:

  • Users can Close or Approve (using APP_SUPERVISOR) a record for any User;

  • Users can Change Role in record Owned by anyone;

  • Users can Re-open Closed records (if applicable);

  • Users can Abort certain record types.


User can Delete records.



Users with VIEW Rights can view any Audit Criteria, Document, or Course records that have since become Effective (CURRENT).  Users can also be granted INWORKS and EXPIRED Statuses for these record types if these users need to access these records in while they are in either of these Statuses.



User Rights

The following rights must be assigned to a user to view rights and attach them to Rights Groups:




Allows user to access object to view and select.



Please see Rights Groups to assign Rights Groups to users.


How to Search for Rights by Type


Rights can be sorted and looked up from the following places:

How to Search for Rights by Entity

Rights can be sorted and looked up from the following places:


Please see Saved Searches to learn more about how to open up Search Parameters in the Rights or other object lists.