Work Centers



Work Centers are maintained within the Organization Units table. The Work Center table is optional; however, it can be important to Pilgrim customers because it may be the area where manufacturing processes occur. The Work Center may also include company wide outsourced manufacturing areas (other sites within your company which may manufacture components). Work Centers could be referenced in any of the following SmartSolve© solutions:


SmartSolve© Solution

Work Center Function


The Work Center could function as the following:

Manufacturing Unit which your Organization is auditing.



The Work Center could function as the following:

Manufacturing Unit against which a quality exception is logged (area responsible for product and/or process).



The Work Center could function as the following:

Manufacturing Unit against which a complaint exception is logged (area responsible for product and/or process).



The Work Center could function as the following:

Manufacturing Unit who owns Document and/or Change records.



The Work Center could function as the following:

Manufacturing Unit for which the Trainee (Person) works.



User Rights

The following rights must be assigned to a user to manage or view Work Centers:




Allows administrator to add new object, modify existing object, or delete object.



Allows user to access object to view and select.



Please see Rights Groups to assign Rights Groups to users.


Global vs. Local

·         Global Work Centers will be inherited by all Local Organizations.

·         Local Work Centers will only be viewed and used within that Local Organization.


How to Create Work Centers

1.     From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Setup. Under Organization Unit select Work Center.

The Work Center list displays.

2.     Select Action > Add from the main menu (or right click).

3.     Enter Code and Name of your Work Center.

4.     Enter Address information.

5.     Zoom and select a Unit Head Code (use DEFAULT if not needed – see below).

Unit Head Code - Unit Head is the Actor within your Organization who may be responsible for this Work Center (i.e., Shipping Manager if the Work Center is Shipping). This field is required because it may later be used for escalation. See Escalation Policies.

6.     Zoom and select a Production Line (most Pilgrim Customers do not utilize this object).

7.     Select the Org Unit Type (Client Type) to specify the type of client.

      Please see the SmartSolve© List Manager for information about how to add more Org Unit Types to this drop down field.

8.   Click the Save button.

The new Work Center has now been added to the Work Center list and the Detail of the Work Center is displayed.


Please see Production Line Setup


Please see Operation Setup


Please see Machines Setup in organization setup.


Please see Forms Designer if you wish to modify existing Work Center field controls or add additional field controls


Managing Work Center Data

The following options are available within the Work Center object and can be managed accordingly by an administrator:


How to Edit Work Centers

1.     From the SmartSolve©  tabs select Admin > Setup. Under Organization Unit select Work Center.

The Work Center list displays.

2.     Click the  icon to switch to Local view (if applicable).

3.     Select the check box of the Work Center to edit, then select Action > Edit from the main menu (or right click).

4.     Edit any information for your Work Center.

5.     Click the Save button.

All changes should now be reflected in the Work Center.


How to Delete Work Centers

Work Centers can only be deleted from SmartSolve© if the Work Center is not currently attached to any SmartSolve© records.

1.     From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Setup. Under Organization Unit select Work Center.

The Work Center list displays.

2.     Click the  icon to switch to Local view (if applicable).

3.     Select the check box of the Work Center to delete, then select Action > Delete from the main menu (or right click).

4.     Click the Save button.

The Work Center has now been removed from the system.


How to Deactivate Work Centers

Please see Managing Setup Deactivation under SmartSolve Utilities to Deactivate a Work Center.