Numbering Schemes



Numbering Scheme contains the number format applied to different SmartSolve© records. When an record is created and saved, the application determines how to number the record based on the Numbering Scheme attached to the record type.

By default, the Numbering Scheme applied to Local records is the same as GLOBAL records. However, a Numbering Scheme unique to a LOCAL Organization can be created and applied to Local records.  Also, if you wish to use your own numbering scheme format for your SmartSolve© records you can modify the existing ones provided for you off the shelf. 

Numbering Schemes are attached to the following SmartSolve© records:

SmartSolve© Solution

Record Type




Audit Exception



General Exception

Process Exception

Product Exception

Customer Exception




Complaint Exception

Regulatory Submissions





Change Request

Change Order




Training Session


New Forms

Please see the Designer Guide for more information on creating new forms and workflows for SmartSolve©.



Important Information

·        The Numbering Scheme table shares all Numbering Schemes used across all SmartSolve© applications. To easily identify the application, use the acronym of the application at the beginning of your Number. This allows the schemes to be grouped by application (i.e., SC for SmartCAPATM, SD for SmartDocTM, etc.)

·         Numberings can have both a Prefix and a Suffix if needed.

·         Numberings can automatically pick up Organization Code within the Local Organizations Scheme Code

·         Numbers can be padded using the following formula {0,1:D4} – last number (4) represents # of digits.

·         It helps to start with Next Number first (i.e., 1 – NCR) because all records are listed alphanumerically by record number and this provides quick querying.

·         SmartSolve© records do not need Date values because you can now search for records by dates.

·         SmartSolve© records do not need business unit identifiers because the system allows you to search and sort for records by business unit.

·         Most customers number their records using a Next Number with a Suffix identifying the type of record (i.e., CRS)


User Rights

The following rights must be assigned to a user to manage or view Numbering Schemes:




Allows administrator to add new object, modify existing object, or delete object.



Allows user to access object to view and select.



Please see Rights Group to assign Rights Groups to users.


Global vs. Local

·         Global Numbering Schemes will be inherited by all Local Organizations. 

·         Local Numbering Schemes will only be viewed and used within that Local Organization.


How to Create Numbering Schemes

1.     From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Setup. Select Numbering Scheme from System Wide.

The Numbering Scheme list displays.

2.     Select Action > Add from the main menu (or right click).

3.     Select the Scheme Code and Name of the Numbering Scheme.

4.     Enter the Start Number which the next record starts with.

5.     Enter the Format by which the record will be standardized.

6.     Make sure to use the { } character when identifying your number format or you will receive system errors when attempting to save your record.

7.     Click the Save button.

The Numbering Scheme is now displayed .


Please see the SmartAuditTM Setup to see how to attach Numbering Schemes to records in SmartAuditTM

Please see the SmartCAPATM Setup to see how to attach Numbering Schemes to records in SmartCAPATM

Please see the SmartComplaintsTM Setup to see how to attach Numbering Schemes to records in SmartComplaintsTM

Please see the SmartDocTM Setup to see how to attach Numbering Schemes to records in SmartDocTM

Please see the SmartTrainTM Setup to see how to attach Numbering Schemes to records in SmartTrainTM

Please see the Designer Guide if you wish to modify existing Numbering Scheme field controls or add additional field controls


Managing Numbering Scheme Data

Numbering Schemes can be Edited and Deleted. These options are available in the Numbering Scheme object and can be managed by an administrator.


How to Edit Numbering Schemes

1.     From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Setup. Select Group from System Wide.

The Numbering Scheme list displays.

2.     Select the   icon to switch to Local view (if applicable).

3.     Select the check box of the Numbering Scheme to edit, then select Action > Edit from the main menu (or right click).

4.     Edit any information for your Numbering Scheme.

5.     Click the Save button.

All changes should now be reflected in the Numbering Scheme.


How to Delete Numbering Schemes

Numbering Schemes can only be deleted from SmartSolve© if the Numbering Scheme is not currently attached to any SmartSolve© records.

1.     From the SmartSolve© tabs select Admin > Setup. Select Group from System Wide.

The Numbering Scheme list displays.

2.     Select the   icon to switch to Local view (if applicable).

3.     Select the check box of the Numbering Scheme to delete, then select Action > Delete from the main menu (or right click).

4.     Click the Save button.

The Numbering Scheme has now been removed from the system.